Social Worker

Monday, September 11, 2006

busy, busy, busy

Well, I guess I got myself in good now....haha!!

I have been so busy lately, I have neglected my blog once again. Lemme see if I can update:

*I started school and my classes seem to be going well. I haven't missed a reading assignment yet, although I had a few close calls when I underestimated some reading.

*I have an all time high caseload at work and my eyes twitch on a daily basis. I actually got a tension headache and pain in my shoulder when I had a conference with my supervisor on Friday. Talking about all of my cases, and they are some seriously intense cases, at one sitting turned out to be too much for both of us to stand...we finished talking today.

*I took a longer than normal weekend for Labor Day and spent some well needed time with the following people: (1)some special shopping with my sisters for my big sis' new job (CONGRATS!!), (2) some one on one time with my dad, both of us napping on our respective nap spots, (3) a Lifetime movie watching with my stepmom, (4) some "gossip time" with my little sis and even some time with her friends, (5) catch up on the annoying and teasing of my little brother, (6) play time and games with my niece and nephew, they actually talked Stacie, Don, Beth, and me into playing Uno for two hours, and so on and so forth. It was a fun, relaxing, long, and much needed break before going back to the grindstone. Although I'm not sure I've actually recovered from it, yet.

*I've spent two really great weekends with my little sis. One of the weekends was a pity party in which we both were PMSing and didn't have any money. So, we pooled our money, bought a $5 chocolate cake, and stayed all weekend on the couches watching TV and laughing. The other was a little of everything. We shopped, watched the Longhorns get beat by OSU at Buffalo Wild Wings (in College Station, and there were a surprising number of Longhorn fans there as well), and then...we took a "short" road trip to see Leslie in Baytown on Sunday. Yes, everyone, we drove two hours one way to visit my best friend from high school for three hours before turning around and driving two hours back. It was really fun, we saw Leslie's kiddos (they are SO big!), and we laughed of course. We decided that if Starbucks sold gas, your car would go ZOOOOMMMMM!!!!! (That one's for you, Beth!)

I think that's all I've been up to in the past few weeks. It only gets busier from here with the "meat" of the semester coming fast and furious. I'll probably post small things here and there and then I'll give a big update at the end of the semester...hopefully with good news that I actually get to continue in grad school.

Till then!! Love you all, Janet :-)


Blogger Leslie said...

Hey girl! It was SO great to see you both! Dillon is still sad that Aunt Beth and Aunt Janet (yes, he sads both you!) had to leave..."but mommy, they're my favorite!" :) I'm sure the semester will go well for you! Still working on a time to come visit...pretty soon. I'll get with ya when I have more of an idea exactly when! Love ya & hope your week is going well! HUGS!!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006 8:17:00 PM  

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